Temi 6th December 2019

Tribute to Late Mrs. Adeniyi-Jones (commonly called by us Aunty Phyllis). We the SAROS in Ibadan) extend our condolences to her Children and her entire Family. We pray the Almighty God will comfort them for the loss of our dear Aunty Phyllis as we always called her. She has been our Mother for a very long time. She was .loving, helpful to us., always want to see us around her. She has that spirit of oneness towards us and that is the legacy she had left for us. She had never ignored hef root always proud to be a Sierra Leonean. Aunty we will miss you and at the same time we than God for your life well spent. and pray that may light perpectual continue to shine 4upon you until that Ressurection Morning when we shall meet and part no more. SLEEP ON AUNTY AND TAKE YOUR REST. GOOD BYE. From Us: Mama Jarrett, Tina, Nene, Eunice, Lexna and Claudette.